5 Minute Therapy – Sarah Crosby

I’ve been a fan of psychotherapist, Sarah Crosby, and have followed her on the Instamagram (@themindgeek) for a looooong time. I love the way she packages mental health wisdom in easy-to-digest, bitesize, too-cute little Post-it notes. Needlessly to say I was elated to learn that she was releasing her first book!

And it did not disappoint. I appreciated learning from her in a more deep and expanded format, which was exactly what I needed at the time. There are plenty of practical exercises to follow and she, as only she could, made the often daunting task of mental health self care manageable.

I’ve been on the inward journey for some seven years now and I feel this book whilst a great resource for someone in the beginning of their inward journey, is perfect for those who are ready to venture further inside their mind palace.

As Sarah always says, inwards and onwards, and this is precisely what this wonderful book did for me. I hope it will do the same for you, too.

Grab your copy of 5 Minute Therapy here*.

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With Love and Positivity,


* Affiliate links. Your choosing to use these goes towards supporting my art. Thank you.

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