Soul Music – Terry Pratchett

We were loitering in the fantasy isles in the brand-spanking new Dymocks in the city (supposedly doing our Christmas shopping) when we met this lovely fellow fantasy fan who overheard Rudi’s shock and dismay at my ignorance of the existence of Discworld.

She affirmed that Sir Pratchett’s books are absolute classics and that I can start anywhere I choose.

After that conversation, I promptly asked Santa to bring me some Terry Pratchett books. Being a musician and a R&B enthusiast, I was of course drawn to Soul Music.

The concept of an instrument that can make anyone play amazing music and turns one into a music God is both fascinating and frightening for a musician. Still, I had a fun time reading this book and throughly enjoyed the whimsical humour.

That said, I was a little underwhelmed by the ending. I thought it would be a little more epic and wondered perhaps I needed to be more familiar with the series to fully appreciate it?

Santa did bring me another adventure to Discworld in the shape of Mort but before I got around to it, I was whisked away by a different Death by a different author! I can hear Mort calling however so I shall return to Discworld momentarily.

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With Love and Positivity,


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